Thursday, May 22, 2008

My first posting

I've been thinking about setting up a blog for some time now, but I just never got around to it. I guess I'm just a proscrastinator at heart.

It's also because I am not sure just what to share and what not to share. And do people really care what I have to say? At the end of it, it doesn't matter whether people read my blog or not, or whether they care what I have to say. It's just a way for me to document my thoughts and the happenings that I want to remember.

Perhaps this will come in handy one day when I grow old and senile. When I can't remember what had happened to me in the past, what I had done. This blog would then be a great way for me to walk down memory lane. Of course, the caveat being that I use this blog in the first place!

Here's the first step. I do hope that I will continue to document my journey in life here, if not for posterity, at least for the sake of ensuring that I don't lose my own memories.

1 comment:

Pokey said...

Great start! I hope to read more about a little bit of everything! :)