Monday, June 30, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 26

I'm getting Panda Eyes!

The boys are getting up at 4 am everyday just to play.  And they don't play quietly.  They would chase each other around the room and jump all over the place.  They also seem to ignore the fact that I'm sleeping right there and would run over and on top of me as if I'm just a bump on the road.

It's been getting so bad that Megan has refused to sleep in my room.  Even Murphy is startled awake by them during the night.  

When can I have a sound sleep??

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 20

The boys had a little encounter with Mindy yesterday.  They were finally really face-to-face with her and she was definitely NOT happy about it.

She hissed and growled at the boys, so much so that Molten became upset and started making whiny noises.  He tried to approach her and stopped at a safe distance while whining all the way.  Or should I say it sounded like a combination between a whine and a growl.  Mindy held her ground and continued her low growl with the occasional hiss.

Mikey then came from the side and pounced towards her with nary a care.  Mindy decided that she wasn't ready to confront him and bounded off to the front yard and hid under my car.

Hopefully their next close encounter would have a better ending.  

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Best in Class

Today was Murphy's "exam" after 8 weeks of training.  She did really well considering that just the week before, she was ignoring me totally in class.

She managed a 188 points out of a maximum of 200.  She's in the top 3, after a poodle and a schnauzer (who both managed a 189) and both these dogs were wearing a pinch collar.  

In my books, Murphy is Best in Class and Top Dog of the Day! 

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cross-Stitch Project: Pooh & Piglet

Here's a project that I completed just before I started the Chinese Wedding Scene.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cross-Stitch Project: Chinese Wedding Scene 3

What with work and 2 new kittens, I didn't have as much time to spend on my project. There is some progress but not as much as I hoped.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 11

The boys have grown so much and are so agile that the cardboard box is too small to keep them in.  They can jump out of it very easily now, so for the last 2 nights they have been sleeping either in their flower bed or in the cat tree.  Megan and Murphy were okay with them outside the box and 2 nights passed without incident.

Molten seems to be the more needy of the 2.  He insisted on sleeping next to me last night whilst Mikey was happy sleeping alone in the flower bed.

The boys are really growing fast.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 8

The boys are settling down really well.  They have also put on quite a bit of weight.  When they came last week, I could carry the both of the in one hand.  Now, I can only carry one in one hand.  They are also playing with Murphy and Megan.  Or should I say, they are not afraid anymore when Murphy runs right up to them and pokes her nose into their faces.

Mindy is still a little upset.  For some reason, she is constipated and vomited a few times last evening and today.  We brought her to the vet and the reason could be the change in canned food.  At least it's not in reaction to the boys.

Monday, June 9, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 5

The boys are now sleeping in my room together with Megan and Murphy. Murphy was insistent on sleeping with me after one night in my parents' room. She's used to sleeping on my bed and she's not about to give up that privilege. Megan joined in the 2nd night, sleeping on her own bed on the floor. The boys remain in their box during the night but have naps in their flower bed during the day. With the boys spending nights in my room, Mindy is a much happier cat.

I had a nice weekend with them taking naps on my tummy. They love to climb onto my lap and promptly falling asleep. It was nice having them snuggle in my lap while I type away at my computer.

They are already on solids (both canned and dry kibble) for a couple of days and are taking it well. Molten is definitely the greedier of the two. He literally meowed at me and smacked his paw into the bowl when I wanted to add a little warm water to it. Mikey just let me do whatever I wanted with his food bowl.

We've also tried to introduce the boys to the dogs as the vet said that they do not need to be quarantined from the dogs. They will still have to be separated from Mindy for the time-being, not that it's a problem as Mindy keeps far away from them. Magic is totally not interested, while the other 3 would observe their movements. Megan has actually given Mikey and Molten kisses, although I don't think the boys liked it too much.

All is progressing well and I'm glad.

Two is Better than One

As you all know, I originally intended to adopt only Mikey but somehow ended up adopting Molten too. Molten's high cute factor had a definite influence on that decision.

I must say that adopting 2 is better than 1. I came across this article about why having 2 kittens is better than 1. And I agree totally. It's just adorable how they use each other as pillows to sleep and how they would entertain each other. That gives me (and my parents) some time to do other stuff. A kitten alone would be calling for attention all the time, but with the 2 of them, they are content to play with each other if they don't see us. If they see us, it's another matter. They'll be meowing and fighting each other for a space on our laps.

So if anyone is thinking of adopting a kitten, why not consider adopting 2 instead of 1?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 3

Mikey & Molten visited the vet today and were given a clean bill of health.  They have also been given their first dewormer and  will be vaccinated in about 1 months time.  The vet said that they can go fully on solids and milk can be given as a treat, which is great news.

The both of them are settling down and shows promising progress with using the litter box.  Mindy is still unhappy but because the 2 boys are now not sleeping in the same room as her, she's somewhat appeased.  The boys will be spending their nights with me now.  My girl, Megan, doesn't seem too happy with me at the moment, but she's easy to please.  I'll pacify her later.  Murphy seems a little afraid of the boys.  While she's very curious about them, she gets scared when approached by Mikey.

Molten is really showing his acrobatic skills.  He can jump rather high and has been showing off.

And because I can't resist, I bought them a pet bed shaped like a flower from Ikea today.  The boys like the tag on the bed better than the bed itself!

Friday, June 6, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 2

Mikey & Molten has spent 1 full day at home now.  My dad put them in the 3rd floor balcony (it's a shaded balcony) with some toys, away from the rest of the menagerie.  They'll need to be quarantined for about a week before they can physically touch and be introduced to the rest, although they have "met" the rest of the group.

Mindy is still grouchy.  She refused to sleep next to my dad, which is very unusual as she normally shares my dad's pillow.  She was growling at me when I approached her after having played with the boys.  I think she can smell them on me.

Murphy is still as enthusiastic as ever.  Molten is definitely the naughty one.  He could see Murphy through the sliding door of the balcony, and while Murphy was there looking at him, he deliberately walked right up to the door and hissed at her.  Making Murphy bark.

Tonight the boys will be sleeping with me.  Hopefully this will appease Mindy somewhat.  But that means that Megan & Murphy will be spending the night in my parents room instead of with me.

My dad was saying that the boys didn't want to drink the milk when he tried feeding them during the day.  When I came home, I tried feeding the boys and they gobbled up 2 bottles (100 ml).  I guess feeding really does need a woman's touch.   Men just can't feed babies!

After having spent the better part of an hour exploring my room, climbing chairs, trying to get into my handbags and urinating on Megan's bed, the boys are finally asleep.  One on top of the other. 

PS: Although my brother wasn't too enthusiastic about the boys, he has been playing with them since they came home.  Guess he's a softie at heart. ;o)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 1

Mikey & Molten just arrived home about an hour and a half ago.  They are both asleep now after having some milk.

Megan and Murphy (especially Murphy, she's still whining and barking at me to let her play with Mikey & Molten) are both excited with the newcomers.  Mikey is very sweet, he was looking at the 2 of them without batting an eyelid.  Molten, on the other hand, was more aggressive.  He hissed at them when they came near.

Mindy has been growling non-stop since the 2 of them came.  She's now hiding in my parents' toilet and refusing to come out.  Let's hope the 2 of them win her heart soon.

Magic and Mocha doesn't seem to have too much interest in the newcomers.

And just to help everyone get the 7Ms straight.  Here's a listing of my menagerie now (in order of age):
  1. Magic, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Male, 10 years 9 months
  2. Megan, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Female, 6 years 5 months
  3. Mocha, Shihtzu, Male, 5 years 6 months
  4. Mindy, Persian, Female, 4 years 4 months
  5. Murphy, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Female, 3 years 10 months
  6. Mikey, Domestic Short Hair, Male, 1 month
  7. Molten, Domestic Short Hair, Male, 1 month


Mikey & Molten are confirmed coming home tonight. I'll be going to pick them up at 8.30 pm tonight.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Doggy Day

I subscribe to an online pet magazine called Pet Place.  There was an article the other day that talked about a dog's ideal schedule.  It's basically full of play time and nap time.

If you ask me, I think it's the ideal schedule for me too!  I've always thought that a dog's life a good one, and if the ideal dog schedule is anything to go by, I was right! 

And anyone who says that a dog's life is a hard one for sure has not met my dogs!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Obedience Training

Today was the 7th lesson of Murphy's obedience training class. She's doing pretty well. There was a sit/stay and down/stay command that Murphy demonstrated that she is either very lazy or she's really very obedient. The rest of the dogs were fidgeting and breaking their stay command after a few minutes but Murphy stayed in position throughout. Needless to say I was bursting with pride.

Her heel work though needs a little more work. She's not walking/heeling as closely to me as she should. I take it that she's a little too tired as she's normally more responsive.

That's okay, it just means that we'll have to work a little harder this week doing her homework. I'm sure she'll be acing the class by exam time.


Mikey and Molten is confirmed coming home on Friday.  Foster mom called to ask for a few more days as Mikey is still on meds.  And foster dad is going to be away but wants time to say goodbye before the 2Ms come home.

I said okay, so M6 & M7 will only be home on Friday.