Tuesday, June 24, 2008

M6 & M7: Day 20

The boys had a little encounter with Mindy yesterday.  They were finally really face-to-face with her and she was definitely NOT happy about it.

She hissed and growled at the boys, so much so that Molten became upset and started making whiny noises.  He tried to approach her and stopped at a safe distance while whining all the way.  Or should I say it sounded like a combination between a whine and a growl.  Mindy held her ground and continued her low growl with the occasional hiss.

Mikey then came from the side and pounced towards her with nary a care.  Mindy decided that she wasn't ready to confront him and bounded off to the front yard and hid under my car.

Hopefully their next close encounter would have a better ending.  

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