Monday, May 26, 2008

Houdini Cat

Mindy tried getting out again a few times today. My mom was saying that one time she tried climbing the gate today, she basically fell flat on her back. I think all that weight makes it harder to be agile. So my dad covered more of the gate with whatever polycarbonate we have left.

In the evening, I saw her trying to climb the gate but because the polycarbonate covered part of the gate, she had problems getting past it and jumped back down. To prevent further escapes, I went to the pet shop and got a mesh. We spent about half an hour meshing up the rest of the gate.

Let me tell you, I didn't think it worked. Mindy got out again. I'm not sure how but to play it safe, my dad moved the marble table in the backyard further away from the wall.

We've ordered more polycarbonate to cover up the gate better.

I'm really in a bind as to what I can do.

Anyone has any suggestions??

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