Monday, May 4, 2009


I've been out of action for a while now. Mainly because I was moving to a new house and there were many things that need to be settled.

The boys are now young adults if you would call them that. They will be turning 1 tomorrow.

Both have grown signficantly with very distinct characters.

Mikey is the food lover who has a devil-may-care attitude. He is not concerned with what goes on with the world as long as he is fed. He wasn't even concerned when we moved. Took to the new house like a fish to water. He was happy as long as his food bowl was filled. He'll meow loudly and insistently if the bowl is empty. He's a very fussy eater, only eating if there is enough canned food mixed into the kibble. He is also turning out to be very affectionate, giving head butts and asking for scratches.
Molten on the other hand is the adventurous one. Having escaped more than once despite our best efforts to cat-proof the house. The good thing was that he never ventured far and responds to his name. Given his constant misadventures, you'll expect him to be one brave soul. Alas, he is the epitome of a scaredy cat. He runs and hides at the slightest noise. He's turning out to be quite a negotiator, meowing a response whenever he is chided or asked to get back into the house, as if to ask for that little bit more time to frolic around. He's also quite a hunter, judging by the number of lizards, cockroaches, toads, moths, ants, etc that he has caught. I appreciate his efforts but would really rather he just let them be. Molten is also not a fussy eater. He will just finish whatever's left in the kitty bowl.

Despite all their flaws, they are my babies. I do really enjoy having them around. :o)